School officials announced that there has been a change in game times for the high school basketball games this week. On both Tuesday, Jan. 12 and Friday, Jan. 15, the JV girls’ games will begin at 4:15 p.m. instead of 4 p.m. The girls will play four quarters on both dates and the JV boys will play two quarters.
almost 4 years ago, Niobrara Tribune - Valorie Z.
N/V Cougar girls runners up in Holiday Tournament By Pat Svec, Cougar Coach The N/V Lady Cougars squared off against the St. Edward Beavers in the first round of the Verdigre Booster Club Holiday Tournament on Monday, December 28. To read about the tournament and how the players scored, pick up the latest edition of the Niobrara Tribune.
almost 4 years ago, Staff
Cougar Holiday Tournament
Growth chart: Niobrara grew by a leap and many small projects in the year 2020 Nineteen building permits were purchased for projects in Niobrara in 2020. A lot of deconstruction and clean up after the flood took place this year. Plus, two large projects happened in 2020. To read all about the projects that happened, pick up the latest edition of the Niobrara Tribune.
almost 4 years ago, Staff
Growth Charts
Ketelsen retires from Knox County Extension Office in Center Mary Ketelsen has worked in the Knox County Extension Office in Center for 32 years. “Every day was a new day. I learned something from everyone who visited or called the office. I enjoyed immensely working with all the families through the 4-H program,” Ketelsen said. She has enjoyed working alongside her co-workers. Each Extension Educator brough with them a knowledge that kept the learning process diverse and exciting. Ketelsen never missed a fair during her 32 years of service. She enjoyed seeing the 4-H’ers happy faces and stories. It was an honor for her to watch each member grow by learning through the Knox County 4-H Program. Each summer was filled with 4-H activities. She would say the Clover Kid and Project Days were always a highlight in June with Fair and its pre-fair activities being her highlight in July and August. The Knox County Extension Office wishes Ketelsen a happy retirement.
almost 4 years ago, Staff
Mary Retirement
NCDHD announces COVID-19 Vaccination plan The NCDHD has received the Moderna COVID-19 vaccine and is proceeding to disperse vaccine to Phase 1 A partners, as outlined in the Nebraska COVID-19 vaccination plan. Pick up the latest edition of the Niobrara Tribune to read the tentative timeline for district COVID-19 vaccinations.
almost 4 years ago, Staff
Concerned about the future of Lewis and Clark Lake? Tune into the US Army Corps of Engineers' Zoom meeting on Tuesday, Dec. 15 beginning at 6 p.m. The USACE is updating and revising their Project Master Plan for Gavins Point Dam/Lewis and Clark Lake Project, last updated and approved in 2004. Part of the process is to gather public input. Join the meeting with the link below:
about 4 years ago, Niobrara Tribune - Valorie Z.
There will be a flag raising ceremony at the Santee Sioux Nation Honoring Monuments on Veteran's Day, Wednesday, November 11, 2020 at 10:00 a.m. Everyone is invited to attend.
about 4 years ago, Niobrara Tribune - Valorie Z.
Test NE Clinic Wednesday, November 4th in Niobrara at the Trading Post from 10:30 am – 12:30 pm.
about 4 years ago, Niobrara Tribune - Valorie Z.
Test NE Clinic Wednesday, November 4th in Niobrara at the Trading Post from 10:30 am – 12:30 pm.
about 4 years ago, Niobrara Tribune - Valorie Z.
North Central District Health Department will be hosting a drive-through public influenza vaccine clinic from 3-5 p.m. Wednesday, Oct. 28 at the Niobrara Public School parking lot.
about 4 years ago, Niobrara Tribune - Valorie Z.
St. Rose of Lima School hosted a Scholastic Book Fair Oct 1-7 in the parish Hall, earning just over $4,000 in new books for the preschool and grades 1-8 classrooms and the school library! Thanks to generous upfront “shopping spree” donations by the Knights of Columbus and St. Rose Ladies Guild and the many parents and grandparents that donated from the Teacher’s Wish List, this year’s Fair was the most successful in year’s past. The book fair has come to a conclusion, but the books the children enjoy in the classroom will be lasting.
about 4 years ago, Staff
St. Rose Book Fair
NVC releases conference volleyball bracket
about 4 years ago, Niobrara Tribune - Valorie Z.
NVC releases conference volleyball bracket
New addition to sports schedule The N/V Cougar boys will be playing Blue Hill on Friday, Oct. 16 at 3:30 p.m. in Verdigre. The early kickoff is due to the distance Blue Hill will be traveling and the officials for the game have another game at 7 p.m. in Wausa that night.
about 4 years ago, Niobrara Tribune - Valorie Z.
All Things Pumpkin Is Cancelled Niobrara’s Third Annual “All Things Pumpkin,” set for Saturday, Oct. 17 has been cancelled, but the ATV Parade scheduled for 7 p.m. in the evening. will be held.
over 4 years ago, Niobrara Tribune - Valorie Z.
Time for fall fun at Niobrara... Bonnie Paulsen and Linda Crosley arranged this pretty fall arrangement at the end of the Hickory Street cul-de-sac on Sunday morning. Autumn is in the air and the orange, brown, red, and gold colors of the season are making their annual appearance. A fall fun day is being planned in Niobrara, on October 17- the Third Annual All Things Pumpkin event. Tribune photo.
over 4 years ago, Staff
Fall Fun
Test-Nebraska, coronavirus testing, Wednesday, September 30th in Niobrara at the Trading Post from 10:30 am – 12:30 pm.
over 4 years ago, Niobrara Tribune - Valorie Z.
In celebration of Mike and Judy Mauch's 25th Wedding Anniversary on September 30th, their children would like to honor them with a card shower. Cards of congratulations can be sent to: 89167 557th Ave., Fordyce, NE 68786
over 4 years ago, Staff
Boat dock in pretty good shape... The Niobrara boat landing on the Missouri River, north of town, is in pretty good shape this summer after volunteers helped to restore it, after the flood. The village hauled in several loads of rock, the outdoor toilets have been repaired, and trash cans have been added. Tribune photo.
over 4 years ago, Staff
Boat Dock
Test Nebraska Clinic: Wednesday, September 23rd in Niobrara at the Trading Post from 10:30 AM – 12:30 PM. Pre-registration on for a testing time is preferred, but not required. Testing at these events is free.
over 4 years ago, Niobrara Tribune - Valorie Z.
Nebraskans sign up for healthcare coverage; and can still apply Heritage Health Adult Medicaid Expansion (HHA) has successfully signed up 5,218 Nebraskans to date. The Nebraska Department of Health and Human Services (DHHS) continues to provide great customer service. Applications are currently processed in about seven days, which is over a month faster than required by federal law. Additional DHHS teammates have been hired and trained to be able to help answer callers' questions and process applications. To find out how to apply, pick up the latest edition of the Niobrara Tribune.
over 4 years ago, Staff