Rachel Rath is the daughter of Jim and Lori Rath, and she is the sister to Jacob and Dalton.
Rath was involved in FCCLA, chorus and band for four years, National Honor Society for three years, cross country for two years, and speech, basketball, and One-Act for one year. She was the NHS president her senior year, FCCLA president junior and senior year, and class president freshman and senior year.
Rachel's best memories at Crofton High was when the stadium sang "Happy Birthday" to her at a home football game and "happy birthday Rachel" was announced, after being a part of Crofton Schools for less than a month.
Rath's advice for underclassmen: "Always push for YOUR best, but don't get caught up in comparing yourself with others because school isn't just for learning how fast light travels or what 2+2 is...it's to learn integrity, discipline, and how to fight for those who can't. Learn from your books, but don't look past the hidden lessons of situations and the people around you."
After graduation, Rachel plans on attending Wayne State College and majoring in Biology/Pre-Dentistry.